Alne Village Hall

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Alne Village Hall was formerly the village school, built in 1877 on Glebe land.The school was formally made over to the Archdeacon of Cleveland, by deed, as a Church of England School. It became the much used community building in 1972, when the pupils moved into a new school building.
Of note is G. J. F. Newey’s lovely time piece, possibly installed in the 1880s, showing the time inside and outside the hall. The clock is still wound up weekly, and keeps good time, in particular after its repairs and renovation in 2012 by Mr Carter and Mr Bacon. Generous donations by local villagers helped fund these repairs.
Over the years, various extensions and improvements have been made to the Village Hall to keep up with modern times and community needs. Indeed, the hall is currently being upgraded once again to a building fit for the 21st Century, including aiming for a smaller carbon footprint.
The Village Hall is a registered charity and managed by a dedicated group of volunteers. In addition, people in the village kindly offer their skills and time to help with such ongoing tasks as tidying around the village hall, some spring cleaning and minor repairs, and winding up the clock! This is very much appreciated.