Parish Council
There are five parish councillors, supported by the Parish Clerk. Councillors are normally elected every four years but the current tenure has been lengthened to fit in with the new county structure elections. The next election is therefore in May 2027.
The Parish Council meets at least four times a year to discuss planning issues, the landfill site at Forest Lane, matters such as road maintenance and drains, replacement of street furniture, and other issues of concern and interest to the parish.
In 2009, Alne Parish Council adopted the Alne Community Plan, and actions identified in the Plan are discussed regularly at meetings. It was intended that a review and update of the Alne Community Plan would take place within the tenure of the 2021 Council but. as a result of the shortening of the tenure of that Council, this has been postponed until the new Council takes office in May 2022.
The Parish Councillors from October 2022 are: Robert Brech, David Walker, Eddie Edwards, Colin Fletcher and John Price. At the Council meeting on 19-May, Robert Brech was elected as Chairman and David Walker as Vice-Chairman.
Contact the Parish Council through the Clerk, Nigel Knapton at [email protected] or on 01347 821476
Website Winter Wednesday Wise Words #6
If you can’t say anything nice about someone, don’t say anything at all.
I can remember my mother saying this but Liz Brewer has brought it to my more recent attention.
And I found this cutting in a 1930s local newspaper. It is along the same lines: