Alne Community Plan
Click here to view the Alne 2009 Community Plan
At the beginning of September 2022, Alne Parish Council announced that it was considering the creation of an updated Community Plan, given that the previous version was produced in 2009.
A precursor to any such exercise was the formation of a group of volunteers to form a Steering Group to take forward all the necessary consultations with the community and thus draft the actual plan. Given the scale of the task, if done properly as well as the conflicting demands of the busy lives of all volunteers, a viable Steering Group needs to comprise at least nine to ten people.
Unfortunately, despite wisespread publicity on the website, notice boards and in the Parish Newsletter, and despite extending the deadline for doing so, very few people expressed an interest in joining the Steering Group. Furthermore, the impression gained from informal conversations around the village was that, although people were aware of the proposed project, there was simply not the enthusiasm for it that existed in 2009. This doubtless simply reflects how society – as reflected in our community – has moved on in the last thirteen years with different views, aspirations and outlooks.
Accordingly, Alne Parish Council expresses its thanks to those who offered their services but has concluded that the question of an updated Community Plan should be deferred at this time. It will review the situation in two years’ time.