Alne WI

Alne WI meets in the village hall at 7.30pm on the second Wednesday of the month.
Open to women of all ages we enjoy a programme of interesting talks, demonstrations and dinners, as well as courses and events organised by North Yorkshire East Federation and the opportunity to get involved in national campaigns. Meetings are always open to family and friends (£3.50 fee) and twice a year we have an Open meeting which we hope will also appeal to the men (£3.50 fee).
Please feel free to come along to our meetings as a visitor, you are guaranteed a warm welcome as well as a fun and interesting evening. For more details contact the Secretary Diane Hunter 07568-067589 and [email protected] or Joan Baram on 838805

Alne WI meeting 14th September 2022
The meeting was opened by Joan Baram (President).
Joan expressed that we all are truly saddened by the news of the passing of Her Majesty the Queen and offer our deepest condolences to the Royal Family. She was a loyal and dedicated member of the WI for 80 years, and never failed to show her support for us throughout her time as Queen. We thank her for her dedication, service, and fellowship. Although not the norm we stood and sang Jerusalem. Joan has sent on our behalf, a card of condolence to Sandringham WI.
Joan was pleased to welcome everyone including new members and visitors. Diane Hunter (Secretary) then gave several apologies and informed us of upcoming events and that we needed to update our personal data protection information.
This evening’s speaker: Karla King - Chocolatier.
Karla lives in Alne & makes artisan chocolates & pastries.
There followed a fantastic, no nonsense, insight into the world of chocolate (& no Oomper Loompas required!). We learned about what the different percentages meant & which were best used in the different recipes. Karla then demonstrated how to make chocolates, emphasising the use of a temperature thermometer to make sure you temper properly, all the time happily answering all our questions. Jenny volunteered to make a batch of chocolates alongside Karla, which she did fantastically.
Karla’s chocolates looked and tasted, amazing. There followed Lots of tastings, with plenty of noises of appreciation. Yum.
The anticipation for this meeting on CHOCOLATES was great and it certainly did not disappoint.
Karla King. e-mail: [email protected]
Kala did this as a one-off demonstration, for her home village.
Believe it or not, we then enjoyed “Tea” brilliant hostesses were Jenny & Denise.
Next Meeting is Wednesday, 12th October 7.30p.m. (second Wednesday of every month).
Visitors (£3.50] always given a warm welcome .
Alne WI 95th Anniversary Celebration
Alne WI celebrated its 75th anniversary with a visit to historic Ripon and afternoon tea. Some of our members had grown up, had family, or had taught in Ripon, so were able to share interesting, educational facts & personal memories, the very best way to see a place. The city had been “yarn bombed” with poppies, which added to its beauty.
The 12th Century cathedral was the focus of our visit; the cathedral is full of history, beautiful windows, interesting architecture but still retains, its gentle, calm reflective spirit. The choir screen was a delight and we learnt that Lewis Carrol’s inspiration for the white rabbit going down a hole in Alice in Wonderland came from a carving on one of the wooden pews! We completed our visit with an outstanding afternoon tea in The Yorkshire Tea Room, (how daunting for them, 22 WI members!). They rose to the challenge magnificently. We had a wonderful time as the photographs show