Welcome To Alne Village

13-Jul-2024: Village Hall Clock Restoration: For some months now, time has stood still as the public clock at Alne Village Hall has stopped.
The clock has been part of Alne’s history dating back to the 1890s. It is a unique double-faced clock (faces on both the inside and outside of the hall) and was installed by the esteemed York clock maker G.J.F. Newey. The mechanism that drives the Village Hall clock was almost certainly made by the famous York-based scientific instrument maker Cooke, Troughton and Simms. The clock is a great asset to the village of Alne. It is a connection to Greenwich and to the important advances in scientific knowledge that took place in Victorian and Edwardian-era York.
The cost of the necessary specialist repairs is £4,000. Two generous grants of £1,000 each from Alne Parish Council and North Yorkshire Council’s Locality Fund have covered half the cost so we have a target of a further £2,000 to meet the rest. A crowdfunding page has been set up at the link below and we would be very grateful for your help.

02-July-2024: Click here to see the July Parish Newsletter (in full colour!) A new vicar is announced!

02-May-2024: The significant sinkage in Main Street has been reported to all of Highways, Yorkshire Water and today to the police. We were assured that Highways would be on site today but we haven't seen them yet!

11-April-2024: Alne Recreation Ground – Access Path

The APLA Trustees are really pleased to be able to announce that they have now secured sufficient funding to make the long-proposed Access Path in the Recreation Ground a reality. Grants from The Friends of St. Monica’s (£10,000) and from North Yorkshire Sport (funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund through North Yorkshire Council) (£20,000), will be supplemented by a contribution from APLA Funds. As a consequence, we have been able to appoint a contractor who should be able to start work in the summer. With good weather and a fair wind, we expect to have a path up and running before the Autumn.

The project will involve a 1.5-metre-wide stone path (similar to the one at Millfield in Easingwold) that runs around the perimeter of the field. It will pass through and around the Orchard Area. In addition, a link path from the car park entrance will join the path and go across to the Tennis Courts and the MUGA. The result will be to open up the whole of the Recreation Ground to groups and individuals for whom access is currently impossible. A distance of around 700 metres will be available to wheelchair users, prams & pushchairs, runners and casual strollers. We anticipate that this will invigorate enjoyment of the Orchard Area in particular.

We are hoping that the new pathways together with easier access will encourage increased use by our two local Care Home residents and by the children attending Outwood Primary Academy Alne.

We will install a new accessible gate at the entrance, courtesy of a generous donation from the Pearson Trust. Together with a new large hard standing area this will facilitate easy entrance from the car park for prams and wheelchairs in particular.

Finally, we intend to create flagged or concrete pads to allow for the fixing of benches around the Access Trail. Initially we plan to install 4 pads and we will shortly invite residents to sponsor one or more benches maybe as a memorial to a loved one.

We are extremely grateful to all three of the agencies who have made this project possible and to the many local residents who have contributed to the planning process.

If anyone would like more details of the scheme, or just have a question, then contact Ian McCrae who can be found at [email protected]

23-Feb-2024: Alne Recreation Ground – Update

There has been quite a lot of progress since the APLA Trustees embarked on a programme of remedial work and Project-focussed innovations for the Recreation Ground. 

Repairs and renewals within the Play Area are nearly complete.  The Zip-Wire has been repaired and a new safety mat under the Carousel has been fitted. A new BEE springer is there for the younger children and new tyres on the trim trail for older ones.  The See-Saw has two new seats and the Willow Tree area has been made into a secret hideaway.  We have yet to replace the Wind Chimes but a generous grant from the Pearson Trust has helped us on our way and we expect to have a quite exciting new feature within the next two months. All the woodwork still needs painting and we will be starting that process with a painting party scheduled for Saturday March 9th.  If you are interested in joining in then please contact Debbie Bell ( [email protected] ) or Hannah Pilling ( [email protected] ).

The football group have agreed a suitable size and location for a Junior Football Pitch and we will shortly be arranging a ground levelling and then purchasing new mini goalposts and nets.

The rabbit fencing has been repaired and the Orchard Area has been given a facelift by a professional tree surgeon.  600 bluebells have been planted (thank-you 1st Kyle Scout Troop) and fingers crossed for a show this April.  If you have not been to the Orchard lately it is well worth a visit – although of course still a work in progress.

The new but currently marooned container has been purchased and we hope to have it in its final resting place by April when the ground is firmer.  About £16,000 has been spent so far on items prioritised as essential or desirable with perhaps a further £5,000 to go. This money comes entirely from the profits made by the annual Street Fayre so supporting this brings direct benefit to residents of Alne and the surrounding parishes.

Turning to the bigger projects.  We are fortunate to have received a grant of £20,000 from the National Lottery towards the cost of a Space Net for the Play Area. Because we chose a 5-metre-high structure we have had to obtain planning permission and that has introduced a slight delay.  However, we will shortly be in a position to confirm a supply and installation contract for £27,000 with the balance coming from APLA funds.  With a fair wind we hope to have the Space Net up before the day of the Street Fayre.

We have already received £10,000 from the Friends of St Monica’s towards the costs of the Access Trail project. The outcome of a bid from the Rural Capital Fund (Levelling up) will come shortly and we are hopeful of success.  If so, that should make the Trail project viable.

Finally, we have a bid in to the FCC Communities Fund for a substantial sum to support a complete refurbishment of the Multi-use Games Area (MUGA).  We do not expect a response from them until April as they do not meet until mid-March.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns about the above please contact Ian McCrae who can be found at [email protected]

Ann Whiteley’s father (whose own grandfather lived in Fairhaven, Main Street) was a great story-teller who enjoyed relating tales of the 'goings on' in Alne in the early 20th century and even more so when Ann married farmer David Whiteley and came to live at Home Farm in Alne. Ann’s interest in the local history was born and over a period of sixty years she has collected photographs and information about the village and its inhabitants.
Saints & Sinners is a cornucopia of colourful characters who have lived in Alne in the 18th,19th and 20th centuries together with a smattering of local history to give the background to their circumstances and perhaps to explain to a certain extent their behaviour. Buy it in Whiteley's cafe, details in the photo.




01-Oct-2022: The presentation to APLA of the Queen's Award for Voluntary Service (the MBE for volunteer groups) took place yesterday evening on the Alne recreation field.The rain stopped, the sun came out and a marquee full of sparkling wine and beer provided sustenance to those many folk who took heart and ventured out. The presentation of the late Queen's crystal and a signed certificate was made by the Lord-Lieutenant of North Yorkshire. 



The next Alne Street Fayre is on Sunday 09-June-2024. Hover and click on the image to go straight to the Alne Street Fayre website


Have you missed a recent item? The News Archive is located under the History tab.
See the Calendar of Events for forthcoming items of interest. 
Also, please let us know of any events that are planned and we will include them.
This village site is currently paid for by Alne Parish Council but it is not a Parish Council website.
If you find anything out of date or incorrect, please tell us through the Contact page. Thank you. 

Alne Street Fayre: Is the annual fund-raising event for Alne Parish Leisure Association (APLA, UK Charity number 516566) to raise funds for the maintenance and improvement of the Alne playground, recreation areas and sports field. Click on the Street Fayre photo below to go straight to the Alne Street Fayre website.

Do you know what is available in Alne?

Everything about Alne and up-to-date news is on this website.

Daily Newspaper delivery and general stores
Tollerton Stores 838436

Sunday Newspaper delivery. Click here.

Bakery van outside Village Hall every Saturday 08:00 – 09:00
Click here for Amos & Welsh

Farmshop making weekly (Thursdays) deliveries in the village. Contact them through [email protected]  868894 or         07759- 609106

Milk delivery (and cream, eggs, yoghurts etc)
 Contact Gemma and Brett Potter on 07866-530953.


Heating Oil purchase co-operative. Click here.

Buses to Easingwold and York. Click here   

Morrisons weekly bus to Boroughbridge. 11:00 Mondays. Click here.

Sports: Thriving tennis and cricket clubs. For tennis, click here.
For cricket, go to https://www.alnecc.co.uk/

Alne Street Fayre, raising funds for the Alne recreation ground, sports field and play park. Now in its 39th year. The next Alne Street Fayre is on Sunday 09-June 2024.

Maps. Historical maps are displayed in the Village Hall. There is an indexed map of Alne houses on the Parish Council notice board. Other maps of Alne and Alne Station can be found here.